This isn't bad.
This isn't bad.
I gave it five stars. I gave it five stars because you're my friend. I don't really have feedback beyond that.
I get the feeling someone is a fan of Doug TenNapel.
This was a real masterpiece of art, I can tell you really put your emotions into your work. The joy you take in living is expressed so lividly through the walk of the octopus, the joy of his face, the exacy of the tree's faces and the smiling love of the sun. The space sequence is excellent too, recalling the work of Kubrick, particularly 2001: A Space Oddssey, but also the cinematography of Kubrick's non-genre efforts such as Lolita and The Killing. The ending is also cute and simple, but leaves me wanting more, makes me question, question the very nature of reality. Was this all real? Or was it simply a dream within the Octopus's head? What is reality and what is dream? You leave choice in our hands Dave, but giving us the option to relive the dream as if it is life by clicking replay, or emerge back out into the real world as better, more complete human beings (or Octopuses) after spending time within the wonderous land you have crafted.
I know, right?
Pretty funny work Dave, exellent expressions and quite the animation too. I'd say it could use more inbetweens to smooth out the animation, but the popping from once place to another adds to the humor, so it's probably intentional. Great work!
Wow, that scared the heck out of me. You have a real flair for horror, I'd like to see more of it from you.
Scary as hell! I LOVE IT!
I'm a huge horror fan and I thought I'd seen it all. I've watched tons and tons of horror movies and read every horror book or comic that I could get my hands on. But after a while it got to the point where none of them could scare me. I got jaded and thought that I'd never know fear from watching or reading something ever again. Then I watched this, and it freaked me out. Thank you so much for returning me to the land of nightmares!
On a technical level, this was great too. The animation and acting were wonderful. The only flaw I can find is that's it looks a little too much like Jhonen Vasquez's work. But other than that, rock on dude!
Good stuff, but needs work.
It's not bad, you did a good job. However, the voices are nearly impossible to make out. And the guy who did Squee...well, let's just say you should have got a kid to voice him!
I'm not part of any scene. I do my own thing. My mind is a machine gun, my body is the bullets, the audience is the target.
Joined on 5/8/06